
a capitalistic illusion
a capitalistic illusion
a capitalistic illusion

to remain stationary in readiness or expectation

"once everything goes back to normal" people say without pause..
what is normal anyway and who is it for?

nor·​mal | \ ˈnȯr-məl
conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern:
characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine

is this the same normal that has destroyed the planet, created unprecedented
inequality, with over 2 million people locked up, our roads flooding,
and our forests burning?

to pause for another to catch up —usually used with up

Andrew Cuomo - the COVID Daddy - New York Governor - instituted a "pause"
orderon March 20th, 2020 that pertained to everyone except essential workers.

es·​sen·​tial | \ i-ˈsen(t)-shəl
something necessary, indispensable, or unavoidable

Since March, 192 thousand people have died of COVID-19.. many of them
essential workers.

According to the state of New York
Essential Workers include:

1. Essential health care operations including

2. Essential infrastructure including

3. Essential manufacturing including

4. Essential retail including

5. Essential services including

6. News media

7. Financial Institutions including

8. Providers of basic necessities to economically disadvantaged populations

9. Construction
All non-essential construction is limited to only staging activities in regions
that are not yet within the first phase of the state’s reopening plan, except
emergency construction, (e.g. a project necessary to protect health and safety
of the occupants, or to continue a project if it would be unsafe to allow to
remain undone, but only to the point that it is safe to suspend work).

Essential construction includes:

At every site, it is required that the personnel working on the site
maintain an appropriate social distance, including for purposes of
elevators/meals/entry and exits. Sites that cannot maintain appropriate social
distancing, as well as cleaning/disinfecting protocols must close. Enforcement
will be conducted by state and local governments, including fines up to
$10,000 per violation.

Construction may continue solely with respect to those employees that must be present at
the business location/construction site in support of essential business activities. No other
employees/personnel shall be permitted to work in-person at the business location/construction
site. For staging activities, an in-person workforce may be present on-site to:

As noted above, local governments, including municipalities and
school districts, are allowed to continue construction projects at this time
as government entities are exempt from these essential business restrictions.
However, to the greatest extent possible, local governments should postpone any
non-essential projects and only proceed with essential projects when they can
implement appropriate social distancing and cleaning/disinfecting protocols.
Essential projects should be considered those that have a nexus to health and
safety of the building occupants or to support the broader essential services
that are required to fulfill the critical operations of government or the
emergency response to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

10. Defense

11. Essential services necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and essential
operations of residences or other businesses including

12. Vendors that provide essential services or products, including
logistics and technology support, child care and services including
but not limited to:

13. Recreation

14. Professional services with extensive restrictions