Abstract In a time when we are told to pause, wait for election results, and wait for a vaccine, this piece grapples with how we wait and the environments in which we wait.
Description This web essay explores waiting. In a time when we are told to pause, wait for election results, and wait for a vaccine, this piece grapples with how we wait, the virtual spaces we embody, and the habitats we wait in. Combining black and white 35mm scans I shot in a pre-covid New York with video footage of my quarantine environment I want to create a scrolling feed. Interweaving poetic representations of waiting with photographic images of anticipation I want to create a scrolling environment, a feed to interrogate how we wait.
Sequence of Visuals (backdrop):
Text and overlays: (left aligned)
begin waiting
Overlay gifs with transparency:
Scroll Drawing
Using path of my space